Sunday, April 17, 2022

Intro post

July 6, 2022

I love this Katherine Hepburn quote.  “As one goes through life, one learns that if you don’t paddle your own canoe, you don’t move.”

My life the past couple of years has been pretty sedentary.  Not much movement.  I would say I don’t even have a canoe.   But I have a sister who has always paddled confidently through life, and I am strapping on my life vest, grabbing hold and going along on her latest ride.  I am so excited for this adventure, a year in Alaska!   Less excited but also along for this trip is my 13 year old mean-as-a-wet-cat cat Grey.  You will see many pictures of him, I’m sure.  Sal thinks his default expression is stink eye.  You can judge for yourself.

I love beautiful scenery but not really being outdoors.   I like reading and sleeping and being in temperature-controlled settings.  I also enjoy cooking and have packed my favorite pans to bring to Alaska.  Sal says I will need a hobby for the long winter days; people have said everyone does some variation of skiing.  I am going to make sourdough starter and then sourdough everything.  Sal says that’s not a hobby but I say don’t judge.

We both like traveling and will enjoy trips to different parts of Alaska.  We hope to make at least one trip a month to a new city or town and have started making note of various festivals/events held around the state.  (The World Eskimo-Indian Olympics?  How cool is that!  We’ll be there!  An 80-pound cabbage at the State Fair?  Can’t wait to see it.  Christmas at North Pole, Alaska?  You just know that will be a celebration not to be missed!). We really hope to do as much in Alaska as we can.  Family and friends have promised to visit, and we sincerely hope they do.  First visitor is already confirmed for late August.  Yay!!  We are going to hand-feed a moose.  Yes, really.  

We will post pictures of incredible scenery, amazing wildlife, those ginormous vegetables and Grey.  We’ll post write-ups of our adventures and sourdough recipes.  We’ll write when we’ve experienced something so absolutely Alaskan we can hardly stand it, and maybe when it’s dark at 4:00 pm and we’re a little homesick.

Wow.  And it all starts soon.

We are back❤️

It’s Friday morning, sitting with coffee after a lovely 12 hour sleep.  Sally is across from me plotting out not-to-miss activities for the ...