Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Alaskan M(oo)sings: Intro Part II


BB (older sis) has introduced herself.  My turn now!

I've visited Alaska twice, both times in the late summer.   Fell in love with the state.  The scenery and wildlife are amazing.  After both trips I went home wondering "What is Alaska like in the winter?"  After a year or two I added it to my bucket list - Spend a year in Alaska and experience the four seasons.  Some people tell me I will hate the winter when it is dark and cold.  Well, so what if I do, I will have found out for myself what it is like.

Finally, the day arrives when I announce to the family " Hey, I'm going to Alaska for a year!"  All are supportive. BB says" I want to come.  And Grey too." 

 This is how BB, a 13 year old mean-as-a-wet-cat cat named Grey and I end up in Alaska.

More about me.  I am a/an:

  • Animal Lover.  I've had 3 dogs and 2 cats over the years and have done my fair share of pet sitting.  Moose are my favorite non-domesticated animal.  Moma Moose, I forgive you for chasing me all those years ago in Yellowstone NP!
  • Outdoor Lover.  I love to walk and hike and go on the occasional backpacking trip.  My summers for the past 20 years included work trips on the Appalachian Trail in Shenandoah NP. (Lots of good times Bev and Loft MT work crew!)
  • National Parks Passport Stamp Collector.  The Alaskan NP stamps will be challenging to get!  Got to make it happen!
  • Handbell Ringer.  How many of these have you met?!  Thank you, Phyllis, for inviting me to handbell choir practice 35 years ago!   I hope to find a choir in Anchorage that needs another ringer.
  • Pilates Practitioner.  Pilates became my exercise of choice 5 or 6 years ago.  Keeps me strong and flexible and improves my balance.   I can only hope to find instructors and classmates as knowledgeable, dedicated and welcoming as I had in Virginia.  (Pilates Plus and the Tuesday Night know this is you!).
  • State Worker:   I was a State (correction -  Commonwealth!) of Virginia employee and retired with 38 years of services.  I think I was a good use of your state tax dollars.... I dare anyone to say differently!

I invite you to join us on our adventures as Cheechakos (a person who has yet to survive a winter) in Alaska and as we learn about our great 49th state.


1 comment:

  1. Y'all are amazing! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures! I really HOPE to be one of your visitors! Thanks for the invite to the "block party" tonight! Loved visiting with you both!


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It’s Friday morning, sitting with coffee after a lovely 12 hour sleep.  Sally is across from me plotting out not-to-miss activities for the ...