Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Seymour Says: Pleased to Meet You


I am Seymour the Moose.  I work at the Anchorage Visitor Center.  It is the perfect job for me as I love meeting people and telling them about the wonderful state of Alaska.  You may have heard of my cousin, Flat Stanley.  Stanley gets to travel to more places than me, but I've seen more of Alaska than he has.

Two lovely ladies from Virginia stopped in the Center last month looking for information on nearby day trips.  Such a pleasure to talk with them!   I was able to give them several ideas for things to do in the area.  During our conversation they mentioned they were sisters, were moving to Anchorage in August and planned to stay for a year.   They sounded excited to be in Alaska and to share their adventures with family and friends.

Well....Once I heard how they intended to share their adventures with friends and family I couldn't resist asking if I could join in!  I think my request surprised them, but they told me yes!

I am looking forward to seeing the sisters when they come back in August...And to sharing stories with you about Alaska!

Seymour the Moose

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