Friday, February 23, 2024

We are back❤️

It’s Friday morning, sitting with coffee after a lovely 12 hour sleep.  Sally is across from me plotting out not-to-miss activities for the next two weeks.  I think we will be as busy as we want to be.  

We arrived back in Anchorage Wednesday night, February 21 about 10:20 pm.  No flight problems at all, which was great.  We picked up our car at Budget rentals, a really big 4 Runner which we knew was too much car for us but it was after 2:30 EST, we were tired and didn’t want to lug our bags back to the Budget counter for an exchange.  

So, Thursday morning we visited Fred Meyer for some basics, returned the car for a more suitable Mazda CX5 (felt a bit like Goldilocks, but third car was the charm), stopped by Big Rays for gloves because I left mine in the 4 Runner, went to the Anchorage Iditarod headquarters at the Lakefront Hotel and purchased a 2024 mug and pin, drove downtown and walked through the snow sculptures there then returned back to our friend Terri’s house.  So much for our original thought to just chill and rest on day one.   But night two was a very early night and long, deep sleep.  I feel good today.  And ready for an adventure.

Oh, and we had a beautiful snow and two moose sightings to welcome us on day one.  What a treat.  Everything so far is wonderful.

This wouldn’t be happening without Terri and Lee sharing their home with us.  So very generous and we are so fortunate and thankful.  And very comfortable.  Also Pat and Carol in Richmond who put us up for the night, drove us to the airport and are babysitting our car.  Thanks so much to all.

I hope I remember how to dress warmly.  We are meeting our friend Arleta for a walk soon. Just in the 30’s today, but long underwear, foot warmers, hats, gloves (new!), flannel pants and sub zero coat.  I may be too hot!

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We are back❤️

It’s Friday morning, sitting with coffee after a lovely 12 hour sleep.  Sally is across from me plotting out not-to-miss activities for the ...