Monday, January 30, 2023

Virginia Visit: Wedding Day (01-28-2023)

Today is the BIG day!

We start it with a short walk  to Wolf Hills Coffee for a toffee caramel latte and a chocolate croissant. YUM!

John, BB and I are providing lunch for the bridal party and groomsmen.  Katherine and her attendants are in the  Bridal Suite at the Martha Washington Inn (AKA - The Martha).  They have been there since 8:00am.  Makeup and hair are on the agenda along with visiting and just enjoying life.  Lunch is salad, crab cakes and shrimp from The Martha's Sister's American Grill. Derek and his groomsmen are at K&D’s house.  Derek requested Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  We leave at 10:50 for the nearest CFA, which is in Bristol.  While on the way we ask the Bride if she needs anything.  YES! HASH BROWNS! We add a stop at  Bojangles to pick up Bo Rounds.

Derek is calm and collected when we drop off lunch.  We were 5 minutes away when the phone rings.  It's Derek.  He forgot to give us something.  Can we come back?  He hands us a card and gift for us to deliver to Katherine. (SO SWEET! Made my heart smile!).

BB and I deliver Derek's gift and the Bo Rounds to Katherine.  The atmosphere in the Bridal suite is energized!  Bride and attendants are in different stages of hair and makeup.  Everyone seems happy and excited.  

Time for us to get back to The Gather Inn and get our dress clothes on.  John and I had things that needed ironing. Donna, our Hostess, volunteered the use of her steam iron.  I ironed my dresses earlier this morning.  Since I already knew where the iron and landry room were located I volunteered  to iron John's dress shirt.  I hear Donna in the kitchen on my way to the laundry room and feel I should acknowledge her presence.  I say something like, "Here I go to iron....haven’t ironed in 12 years.  Hope every thing turns out OK."  Donna stops what she is doing and says "Let me show you how the iron works."  I didn't have the heart to tell her I had already used it once that morning.  Donna goes with me to the laundry room, shows me how to turn on  the iron and the indicator light that shows when it is ready.  Then she explains how to iron with the steam iron and to keep the iron moving or else I might burn the shirt.  Then she VOLUNTEERS TO IRON THE SHIRT FOR ME! It was a very kind offer but I just couldn't let her do it.  I thank her and tell her I'll do it.  The steam iron gets the job done quickly.  

John's duties have him at the Chapel at 3:15.  We arrive right on time!  The wedding party is in the Chapel with the photographer, making the Chapel off limits.  We gather in the hallway and visit with other early arrivals as we wait for the Chapel to open. John helps one of the younger ushers tie his tie, everyone tells everyone else how nice they look and that it's just been too long since we last saw each other.  

Finally, it's time! John goes off to do his usher thing.  BB and I are escorted to our seats.  We are in the second pew near the main aisle.  I've never sat so close to the front at a wedding.  It was great to be able to see so well.  Ann, Bride’s Mother, is lovely in her blue dress. Jack, Bride’s Father, is handsome walking his beautiful daughter down the aisle to meet her handsome groom. A beautiful ceremony.

The photographer takes family group photos after the ceremony.  While waiting our turn we visit with our Roanoke Cousins and other family.

Decorations for tomorrow's brunch include photos taken at the rehearsal dinner and before and after the wedding ceremony.  We sent them to print at Walgreens.  They are ready for pickup within 30 minutes!  We pick them up on the way to the reception.

Reception and dinner are at The Martha.   More quality time with family and friends!  On a mantal in the reception room are photos of family members who are no longer with us. It made my heart warm to see them remembered at K & D's wedding festivities.  Tables are decorated with beautiful white roses.  BB and I are seated at table #1 with Ann, Jack, John and others.  This puts us in perfect position for all the main events; bride/groom entrance, buffet table, cake cutting, toasts, first dances.  After dinner the DJ starts the music.  Time to dance! 

The evening ends with everyone being handed a sparkler.  We form up outside The Martha in two lines. We call for kisses and wish the couple well as they run between the lines of lit sparklers.

Festivities over, we head back to The Gather Inn. Cousin KJ joins us.  The four of us slowly unwind from the exciting day as we discuss where to place rocks, pictures and candy kisses.

Guess who we see wandering the streets of Abingdon while driving KJ back to her car!  The Bride and Groom! We yell something memorable at them (Hey you!?), say best wishes one more time and continue on our way to KJ's car.

Back at The Inn we do a little more decorating and then to bed.  It's 1:00am.  

What an amazing, wonderful day!


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