Friday, August 5, 2022

Mom was sad Thursday

 Mom says she will not post about yesterday.  It was not a great day.  First she put her pants on backwards and wore them like that until the first bathroom stop of the day.  Then she had forgotten to charge her cell phone, so she could not look up fascinating facts like is the yellow crop canola or rapeseed (both are yellow, if you care).  Then all of a sudden, like flicking a light switch, she became obsessed/worried about me because I had not been drinking any water or eating or using my box.  Sal said when Grey is unhappy, Mom is unhappy.  And we all know what it’s like when the Mom is unhappy!!

There were multiple stops to purchase a syringe, wet food, call vets, blab, blab, blab.  Good grief.

When we got to the hotel, and I had some peace and quiet, and my favorite drinking vessels, my margarita glass and a coffee cup, I drank, ate, and used my box.  TMI, sorry.  

So hopefully Mom is happy, because, you know, when Mom is miserable…😫 … it makes for a long drive to North Dakota.

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