Monday, February 6, 2023

ERNC: Annual Icy River Rampage Winter Fat Bike Race (02-04-2023)

 Eagle River Nature Center (ERNC) sent out a request in mid-January for volunteers to work the Annual Icy River Rampage Winter Fat Bike Race.  The race, a fund raiser for two non-profits, Chugach Mountain Bike Riders and the Eagle River Nature Center, takes place Saturday, February 4.  It's been awhile since I volunteered at ERNC and this looks fun and interesting.  I responded with a Yes.

A few days before the race I receive my assignment.  I'll be an On-the-course volunteer and should arrive between 9:00 and 9:30.  I'm not familiar with the trails so I check out the course.  I start to get nervous about being assigned by myself to a spot out in the boondocks so I send an email asking for clarification.  I'm told "We’ll either put you with someone or have someone take you to your spot.  We’ll also keep you close to the Center." 

Saturday morning, while looking out the front door and wondering what happened to the newspaper (silly me, no paper on Saturday), I realize it is snowing.  Snow isn't going to stop me!  Google maps says ERNC is 40 minutes away.  I decide to allow 60 minutes and leave a few minutes after 8:00am.

I don't have any problems on the drive to the Center.  The Palisade does well in the snow.  I stay about 10 miles below the speed limit, but most of the other drivers are doing the same.  I arrive shortly after 9:00am. 

Volunteer briefing is at 9:30.  Gus, Volunteer Coordinator, goes over the race route.  He instructs us in how to handle emergencies.  We are warned that moose in the area have staked out spots near the trail.  He reviews how to respond to moose attacks. Next he gives out assignments.  True to their word I am posted to a trail intersection within a quarter mile of the Center.   I feel wimpy.  I decide (right or wrong) that the other volunteers probably find it more exciting to be further out from the Center and are probably happy that I have this spot. We need to be in position by 10:50.  Volunteers assigned further out from the Center start heading out.  I get to stay in the Center and warm for another 40 minutes.  

I am in position by 10:50.  I am close enough to the Start/Finish line that I can hear the racers take off.  The 20 mile race starts at 11:00.  The 10 mile race at 11:15.  Racers are still in a pack as they come down the hill towards me.  I stand in the middle of the trail they are not supposed to take, point down the one they are and yell encouraging words.  

Nothing happens for the next hour; no racers, no one else on the trails, no animals.  I enjoy the quiet time.  Snow is still slowly coming down.  It's pretty.

The trails are not closed to the public.  Around noon people start showing up to walk / ski the trails.  We talk about the race.  Several have dogs that I get to pet, including a golden retriever.  One woman even has a cat with her.  She has it in a carrier that she wears like a backpack.   I warn them to watch out for the racers and moose.

The first racer reaches me about 12:20.  I shout more encouraging words.  The last quarter to half mile is uphill and I can tell they are tired.  Racers go by me every 4 or 5 minutes for the next hour.  Between 1:30 and 2:10 around 5 racers go by me.

This morning I asked how to know when I could leave my post.  I was told that the volunteers further out would start walking back to the center when the racers had gone by them.  I would know it was OK to leave when the other volunteers got to me on the way back to the Center.  The official stop time for the race is 2:00.  I wait for other volunteers to show up and wonder if there are any stragglers.  Two volunteers go by me and say it is "probably" OK for me to leave.  I wait until 2:30.  I haven't seen a racer in the last 20 minutes. I return to the Center.  I ask if all the racers made it back and get told Yes.  

Several volunteers prepared lunch, hot dogs and mac and cheese, for the racers and volunteers.  There aren't any racers left at the Center; however there are a few volunteers.  I have a hot dog and take a picture, cause that's what my family does when we eat hot dogs.

No snow showers on the drive home.  Arrived safe and sound.

Another good day.


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