Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Fur Rondy: Snow Sculpture Championship (02-18-2023 - 02-26-2023)

BB and I went to the Snow Sculpture event for the first time the early afternoon of Day 2.  We wanted to see what the snow blocks looked like before the sculptors started carving.  We ended up going 5 times to check progress.  

Great pictures of the sculptures are included with this article in The Anchorage Daily News.

Everyone starts with an 8 foot square of packed snow.

Most teams hadn't made much progress when we visited the first day. 

It turns out that we talked with the same three sculptors during our visits.  These three recognized us and always said hello when they saw us.  They also were willing to answer questions about snow sculpting, Fur Rondy and general advice on what to do in Alaska.


Team: Snow Cats  Title:  Mr. Whoo.

Snow Cats came in second place in the family division.  On our first visit we were lucky to meet a woman on the team.  She explained how they use several of the tools. It was interesting to hear that the reason for the wall behind Mr. Whoo was to protect him from the sun.  She also said they would probably be here working on him all night before judging because of the detail work; doing it too early risks it getting harmed by the weather.

This is how Mr. Whoo looked when we first saw him.

Explaining how they know how to transfer the design to the big block of snow.

Showing us how the tools work.

Mr Whoo finished.  Ready for judging.

Team:  Here Comes Trouble     Title: Moose Meadow

If you know me you know why this is one of my favorites!  The sculptor told us he wanted his design to include elements of the Fur Rondy Pin; hence the moose theme.    He also told us this was his 10th year competing.  He said he learned a lot since his first year.  The tools he brought to his first competition were serving spoons, ice cream scopes and other kitchen utensils.  He said he thought, 'Snow, what else would one use?"  Now he knows to bring heavy duty tools.

What it looked like when we first saw it.

With the Designer and Sculptor.

Pictures from additional visits.

Finished Moose Meadow ready for judging.

Team:  Snow Walker       Title:  Who's Got Who

Yet another person willing to answer questions and share knowledge.  He told us a good time to watch the sculptors working was in the evening.   We did come down two evenings and noticed more teams were working then.  One evening was after the fireworks and before heading out to see Northern Lights. Once he found out we were going Aurora Hunting he told us websites he used to obtain Aurora forecasts and had suggestions for places to go in Anchorage to view the.  He made a point of telling us he had seen us several times and was glad we were enjoying the event.  We didn't mention the afternoon we held our breath and watched in trepidation as he climbed a ladder carrying a very heavy and large (20"X 20"X 20") block of snow.  We watched as he slowly made his way to the top of the ladder and carefully set  the block on the ladder's top only to have it fall to the ground and break as he transferred it to the top of his sculpture. He took it well; no cussing or loud words were heard.  We turned away before he saw us.  He recovered.  The block was to become part of the whale's tale.  He pieced it back together.  Can't tell he had any mishaps when you see the finished sculpture.

Snow Walker standing on his Block.

Finished and ready for judging.

The teams have been working!


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