Monday, April 17, 2023

Alaska Newsflash: Invasive species causing mayhem in Homer AK

Sal and I subscribe to the Anchorage Daily News, published six days a week, no Saturday edition.  It’s a small paper, typically running 14 pages, and we enjoy it.  Some issues are universal, of course, and politics, education and sports are frequent topics here as in cities down south.  However, occasionally there is story that strikes us as so unique to this state that it’s worth sharing.  Such was a lengthy article on page 4 of Sunday’s paper.

An invasive species arrived in Homer as a stowaway in a shipping container two weeks ago.    Upon discovery, the local animal shelter was contacted, who in turn reached out to the state Department of Fish and Game for advice.  Traps were set out.  The animal was caught, but escaped.  There have been posts on social media by the animal shelter and the Homer Police Department.  Word spread quickly about this invasive stowaway, and Homerites have become heavily invested in the fate of the … opossum.

The opossum, not an attractive animal, not an animal thought of fondly by many, certainly is a common animal to Virginians.  Who hasn’t woken up to cans rattling outside and thought, “There’s an opossum in my trashcan.”  In fact, the only opossum species found in the United States is officially named the Virginia opossum.   And, the word is taken from the Powhatan language meaning “white dog or dog-like beast,” and was first recorded between 1607 and 1611 by John Smith and William Strachey in the English settlement of Jamestown.  Who knew?

Anyway, opossums are invasive to Alaska and it is illegal to own them as pets.  Despite the known potential danger of introducing an invasive plant or animal to an area, Homerites are divided as to the fate of Grubby, as he has been christened by locals, having last been spotted on Grubstake Avenue near the police department.  Grubby for Mayor and #FreeGrubby are appearing on tee shirts and social media.  

The police department has joined in, issuing a Wanted poster.


Name:  Grubby “Squeeks” Greyback

Age:  Don’t know

Weight:  Not much

Height:  About an alley cat size

Eyes:  Beady

Caution:  Too cute really, maybe a little hiss or two when cornered, might fall over

Crimes:  Stowaway, trespassing, looting, heinous mayhem, stealing your hearts, falsifying mayoral candidacy

Rewards:  Absolutely nothing

The mayor’s concern with the opossum is that he could pass diseases onto the local wildlife.  And, while I’ve been referring to Grubby as a he, another concern is that it is a female carrying young.  And, “The last thing we want is to establish a population.”  Best case scenario is that the animal be found and trapped so that Fish and Game can dispose of it.

Brother Jack has a simpler solution.  Homerites just get in their cars and drive the roads.  Ha!  They would soon learn cars and slow-moving opossums are not a good mix.

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