Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Alaska Train Ride: Anchorage to Fairbanks (03-07-2023)

The train ride from Anchorage to Fairbanks is the first leg on our journey to Chena Hot Springs (CHS).  BB and I enjoyed our visit to CHS last fall and hope this visit with Jack and Ann will be just as enjoyable.  We decide to take the train for the experience, the scenery and to avoid winter driving.

The train departs the Anchorage Depot at 8:00 am.  We arrive an hour early to check in, get our boarding passes and check our bags.  There aren't many passengers in the depot so no waiting in line at the ticket counter.  As the lobby fills with passengers we overhear several conversations regarding dogs and the Iditarod.  We have an interesting conversation with a woman who volunteered at the Iditarod.  She tells us her experiences as a volunteer and encourages us to volunteer next year.

The conductor tells us about the train.  There are 3 passenger cars and a dining car.  The train can get up to 60mph; however average speed is 35mph.  The 35mph explains the 12 hour travel time to Fairbanks.  During the trip, conductors will point out wildlife and points of interest.

The conductor makes his announcements in the Depot Lobby:

While waiting we amuse ourselves by taking selfies:

Outside the Anchorage Depot on our way to board the train.

Jack and Ann found their seats!

Our seats are across the aisle.

Our train car.

Each car has two bathrooms.

The train departs promptly at 8:00.  The conductor points out emergency exits, explains the meal seatings, reminds us to close doors when walking between cars, tells us where the  bathrooms, the dining car and the informational brochures are located and that he will announce wildlife sightings and points of interest.

It is a sunny, clear, cold day.  Scenery should be awesome!

We aren't long out of Anchorage before we see our first of many moose.  The train startles them which makes the moose run away from the train.  I like seeing the moose; however, I hate seeing them waste energy running from the train in the deep snow.  Snowfall has been more than normal this year and I know the moose are having a hard time finding food.   I stop counting the moose we see after reaching double digits.

We don't see any big animals except for the moose.  We do see birds - ptarmigans and eagles.  And I see what is jokingly called Alaska's state bird inside our car:

We see amazing views of Denali.  Boy, we won the lottery!  Statistically on any given day there is only a 30% chance of seeing Denali.  The rest of the time it is covered by clouds.  For about 2 hours of the train ride we periodically have beautiful views of The Mountain.


We learn the snack bar serves hot dogs.  Jack and BB have dogs for lunch.

The train is scheduled to stop at Talkeetna and Denali Park.  There is also the possibility for  flagstops.   Alaska Railroad provides flagstop service along a 50 mile stretch of roadless backcountry between Talkeetna and Hurricane Gulch.  All one has to do to get off the train along this stretch of track is alert the conductor of the stop ahead of time.  A passenger  wanting to get on the train puts up a flag which alerts the engineer of the stop.

We experience an interesting flagstop.  Author Shannon Cartwright lives along this stretch of the railway.    Her flag is out and she is waiting at the stop with her dog.  The conductor announces that she is getting on the train with her dog and selling her books in car C.  I make my way back to car C because I want to meet her dog.  The crowd is too great for me to get close enough to pet her dog but I do get a picture.  She has books spread out on multiple seats.  I didn't recognize her name; however, I recognize her books. We  see them all the time in gift shops.  The train is stopped for 20 or 30 minutes while she sells her books.  It really surprises me that the railroad allows her to do this  Makes me wonder if there is some type of arrangement.  

This  ADN article about her is interesting.

Shannon Cartwright at the flagstop with her dog.

On the train selling her books.

Some of her books.

The train crosses the Hurricane Gulch Bridge.  This is an arch railroad bridge 296 feet above Hurricane Creek.  Photographers love this bridge.  Pictures of it show up all over the place.

Train approaches Hurricane Gulch.

Hurricane Gulch:

We go over the highest point on the railroad.

Just a pretty train picture.

To complete our train adventure we have dinner in the dining car. Dinner is a choice of three entrees; braised pot roast, vegetarian gumbo or chicken Caesar salad.  We all enjoyed the pot roast.  

Dinner looks good...tasted good too.

We are all members of the clean plate club!

The setting sun as we near Fairbanks.

Another great day in Alaska!


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