Friday, September 29, 2023

Homeward Bound Day 7 - Regina to Grand Forks ND 9/29

 Depart Regina:  8:30am

Arrive Grand Forks:  6:00pm (time change)

Miles Traveled:  458.9 miles

Weather:  Short-sleeve shirt weather!  Sunny in the afternoon

We are back in the USA!  We crossed the border at Portal ND around lunchtime.  We were asked a lot of questions (none, however, about Grey), more so than at any of the other border crossings the past year.  I’m glad we had an Alaska Fish and Wildlife certificate for the moose antler in our car top carrier.  Without it, the agent said we would have had to pull over and let someone inspect it.  Unpacking the antler and fighting the carrier lock, which has been horribly temperamental, would have been a nightmare.  

Our last stop before the border was at a Tim Horton’s for a maple frosted donut.  It’s kind of a thing with us and son, John.  We also grabbed an iced pumpkin spice latte while we were there.  A delicious Canadian send off.

The landscape today remained flat.  I’m afraid our travel through Saskatchewan was boring.  To me, anyway.  Sal maintains it is pretty, just not to her taste.  It was flat and more flat.  North Dakota had some slight rolls and there were fields with round hay bales.  They were kind of pretty.

As we were approaching Grand Forks we started thinking about dinner.  I googled the possibilities and it was a no brainer.  As we closed in, I placed a mobile order at Chick-fil-A, our first in over a year (no CFAs in Alaska).  Once at the hotel, we spread out our sandwiches, side salads and waffle fries.  Our last meal in Canada and first meal back in the lower 48 were both perfect.

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