Thursday, November 17, 2022

The eagle release and my 15 minutes of fame


Leading off with the picture, because that’s just an awesome picture.  That’s my eagle, Palmer, that I helped release on Saturday while attending the Bald Eagle Festival in Haines.  There was a live auction to participate in the release of two rehabilitated juvenile eagles, and I just kept raising my numbered paper plate until I won.  All I did was pull open the lid on the wooden crate he was in, but it really was an amazing experience.  

Look at him go!  Isn’t he fabulous!  Bald eagles don’t get their white caps and tail feathers until they are 5 or 6 years old.  But I think his coloring now is beautiful.

And, to add to the excitement, there was a reporter there from the Anchorage Daily News who spoke with me. Never did I ever expect to make the front page of the Anchorage Daily News!  It’s a great article describing the care these two young eagles were given to allow for their release.

And Sal took a great video of my adventure.  I can’t get it to upload here; maybe it’s too long.  I wish you could hear her commentary.  It’s pretty funny.  It’s along the lines of what I might do it her if she doesn’t get the recording right.  No worries.  She got it perfectly!

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