Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Eagle River Nature Center: Volunteer Winter Solstice Celebration (12-16-2022)

Eagle River Nature Center (ERNC) staff held a Winter Solstice Walk Friday (12-16) evening as a thank you to the Center's volunteers.  I've volunteered at ERNC three times so far.  I was very excited to receive the invitation.   The invitation said we could bring family and friends, so BB and I made plans to go.

It was magical!

The Solstice Walk was the Friday after the three major snowstorms.  We had concern about getting there as the last update on the 12-mile road to the Center was that it hadn't been plowed.  Yikes!

However, we really wanted to go so we pretended we were long time Alaskans, got in the car and headed for Eagle River.

Slow and steady got us there on time, even with an extra stop at Walmart to pick up snacks for the refreshment table.  The Glenn Highway was plowed and while I didn't feel confident driving 65 or 70mph I did get up to 55 (well, maybe only for a little while!).  The road to the Center, Eagle River Road, looked like it was plowed after the second storm but not the third.  Towards the end of the road there was one decent lane.  There wasn't much traffic and when we did meet a car coming from the other direction I slowed down and made them go around me!

We arrived to a winter wonderland.  There were lights in trees and the walks and paths were lined with ice lanterns.  (Water is put in jars/pails/buckets and left to freeze until there is a frozen outer shell of ice.  The remaining water is poured out and a candle placed in the middle).  Staff and volunteers gathered in the Visitor Center.  Volunteers of the Year were announced and everyone was thanked for helping out at the Center.  Then it was time for socializing and refreshments before going out to walk the ice lantern lit, 3/4-mile long Rodak Nature Trail.

It was cold, near zero temps.  The trail had been packed; however, after just getting 40 inches of snow the walking wasn't the easiest.  Here is how the Center staff described it in an email early Friday morning: 

The Rodak trail has been packed but is still on the softer side.  Walking with just boots should be fine, however snowshoes might make it easier for some.   We have a few pairs if you'd like to use them.

It was amazing.  The light from the lanterns reflected off the snow-covered trees.  The sky was clear and the stars bright.  Beautiful.

The ERNC Visitor Center:

Back Deck of ERNC Visitor Center:

We dressed WARM!

On the Trail:

Ice Lanterns:



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