Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Alaska Christmas: White Christmas Sing Along (Saturday 12-17-2022)

 A month ago BB learned that sing along showings of the movie White Christmas would be held at the Bear Tooth TheatrePub this weekend.  The proceeds from the  sing along benefit the Anchorage Opera and Anchorage Opera Overture Council.We have been looking forward to attending since we learned about it.

One of my  Christmas traditions is to watch White Christmas on Christmas Eve while wrapping Christmas presents.  This year presents had to be in the mail to Virginia by the first week December.  This sing along provided an excellent substitute for my Christmas Eve tradition.

Bear Tooth Theatre and Pub is associated with Moose's Tooth Pub and Pizzaria.  Moose's Tooth is a favorite of ours.  We especially like the Aloha Escape pizza (Canadian bacon, pineapple, mozzarella, provolone, marinara).  For lunch we had a medium half Aloha Escape/half beef and onion pizza, a maple and bacon salad (bacon! Brussel sprouts, greens) and a glass of raspberry wheat beer.  Food and a movie, always a fun combination.

Do you wonder if we really sang along?  Yes, we did!  BB and I especially enjoyed singing the Sisters song (for obvious reasons!).  The crowd sang loud and clear when I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas played.

The scene on the train to Vermont when they sing about snow caused a lot of laughs.  Here is how BB described it in her post:

Saturday Sal and I went to Bear Tooth Theater for a sing-a-long with the movie White Christmas.  Early on there is a song that contains the lyrics, “I long to clear a path and lift a spade of snow.”  There was a lot of laughter in the theater at that; many a path has been cleared here in the last couple weeks.

Us at the movie: 


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