Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Kincaid Park: Solstice Tree Tour (12-18-2022)

Winter solstice is when the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky.  It is the day with the least daylight and the longest night.  This year it happens on Wednesday, 12-21.  Total daylight in Anchorage on Wednesday will be 5 hours 27 minutes and 5 seconds.

Several Winter Solstice events are scheduled around  the Anchorage area.  I went to the Solstice Tree Tour in Kincaid Park .  Local businesses sponsor trees along the 2.5 kilometer Mize Loop trail.  There were all kind of give aways from food ( candy, cookies, make your own s'mores),  to small toys (frisbees, stickers, light sticks) and safety items (click on reflectors).

People walked or skied.  Many adults pulled small children on sleds.

Trees were creatively decorated with items representative of their business or organization. 

Yeti Dogs was there.  I met the owner in August when John was here for a visit.  I enjoyed being able to congratulate him in person for making the ADN  Best of Alaska  Top 100.  Yeti Dogs is #1 in the Food Truck category.

The most wonderful thing happened when we were getting ready to leave.  I met Seymour the Moose! He was so nice and welcoming!

Me with Seymour!

Congrats Yeti Dogs!

And the trees:


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