Monday, January 30, 2023

Virginia Visit: Travel Day (01-25-2023)

Katherine, our niece, gets married Saturday!  We are looking forward to attending the wedding and visiting with family and friends.

We are not excited about traveling today.   We were originally scheduled on a flight leaving Anchorage at 8:00am.  American Airlines notified us of changes a few weeks ago.  Now we leave at 6:00am.  

This morning we were up at 2:15 and out of the house by 3:25.  We debated the pros and cons of leaving the car out in the winter weather versus taking a taxi or Uber. Driving ourselves to the airport won. Yesterday's temps were in the 40s.  Snow melted and the roads were wet.  We worried about the streets being icy and slick.    Turned out our worries did not materialize. We left the car at Dimond Airport parking.   If we have any trouble with the car on our return their website says: 

Dead battery? Flat tire? Out of gas? Keys locked in the car? No problem. We will fix it for free.

The shuttle arrived timely and we were at the airport by 4:00am.

Long gone are the days when airlines provided meals.  We packed snacks (cheese on Ukrop White House Rolls, peanut butter on bagel, granola bars, oranges and almonds) and brought our water bottles.  The airline handed out Biscoff cookies each flight.   I am a fan; however by the third leg of out trip instead of eating the cookies they went in my daypack.  While I love sweets I was tired of sugar.

The flight from Anchorage to Seattle left on time.   Seattle to Dallas/Ft Worth was delayed 30 minutes.  The Dallas/Fort Worth flight was 50 minutes late.  We landed in Greensboro at 11:40pm.

Nephew John and his dog Sydney were there waiting for us.  On the drive to Winston-Salem we stopped at Cook Out to pick up a 'light'  midnight snack; cheeseburgers, French fries and onion rings.  Yum!

We did a quick catch up of recent events; then to bed at 1:00am.

I have Sydney's room when at John's house.  She started the night on the bed with me but soon jumped down and moved to the living room sofa.  

I endure flying because it makes many other things possible.  There wasn't much fun  about today except arriving in Greensboro and seeing John.  Well...the selfie with the moose in the Anchorage terminal was fun. 


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