Saturday, March 11, 2023

Fur Rondy: Blanket Toss (03-03-2023)

The blanket toss originated as a way to see into the distance. The blanket toss was originally used to sight game while hunting. It is now used during celebrations and gatherings.  The blanket toss is one of games in the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics (WEIO).  BB and I have plans to attend the WEIO in Fairbanks in July.

The Fur Rondy Blanket Toss surprises me.  I thought it would be a demonstration.  No! It is a group participation activity.

The Blanket Toss is scheduled to begin at 5:30.  When BB and I arrive at 5:15 there are 2 or 3 photographers and 3 or 4 other spectators gathered at the event location.  We see a rolled up tarp, which we assume has the blanket inside.

Soon two men come and unroll the tarp.  Yes, a blanket is inside.  It is made of hide, walrus if I remember correctly.  It is circular with rope handles around the edges.

The men explain we need 32 people before the toss can begin.  This is when we realize this is not a demonstration.  An assortment of 32 adult volunteers are needed to work the blanket.  By 5:40 we have the volunteers needed to begin.  And yes I volunteered!

The men explain how it works.  We don't shake the blanket up and down; we lean in and out. He points out that we are working with the person opposite from us on the blanket. I notice that the Princesses and Fur Rondy pin creator are participating.  Princess Dakoma and her Mother have positions on the blanket opposite me! The men have us practice a gentle rhythmic up and down rhythm before saying Go!  On go we lean back further which makes the blanket even tauter and the person on the blanket goes high in the air! 

The toss is mainly for the children.  The men explain that 10 children will each get 2 tosses then 2 adults will have 2 tosses.  The men challenge the kids to land on their feet. Any person landing on their feet gets unlimited tosses!

Several of the children almost land on their feet.  They get one extra toss. Then it is Princes Dakoma's turn.  She lands squarely on her feet!  We think she has either done this before or is a gymnast.

The blanket - hidden.

The blanket - appears.

I helped!


Queen Jana takes a turn.

Princess Dakoma lands on her feet!

BB had fun taking pictures!


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