Saturday, March 11, 2023

Fur Rondy: Charlotte Jensen Native Arts Market (03-01-2023)

I want to know why the market was named after Charlotte Jensen.  The answer is found on the Fur Rondy site:

A Tribute to Charlotte Jensen

The market is named for Charlotte Jensen as a tribute to her many years of service and her love of all things Rondy. She was a Past President, Former Lady Trapper, Vern Johnson Award-winner, and long-time board member of Greater Anchorage Inc. since the 1970s. Charlotte was also Chairperson of the Merchandise Committee and the Native Arts Market.

Char was an integral part of Rondy’s recent return to success. She had faith that the festival was important to too many people and that Alaskans wouldn’t let it disappear. She was always available to give her time and expertise whenever she was asked. Her history and experience were a source for all to draw on and her loss is felt on many levels. She is greatly missed.

BB and I really enjoyed the Native Arts and Crafts Market we attended last October during the Alaska Federation of Natives Annual Conference.  We liked looking at the arts and crafts and talking with the vendors.  For more about that Market see BB's October post 'This craft show was a cultural extravaganza.'

The Fur Rondy Charlotte Jensen Native Arts Market is held at the Dimond Center Mall.  Over 125 Native Artisans representing a large variety of arts and crafts are present.  We see jewelry made of beadwork, silver, baleen, antlers and horn.  Other vendors have furs, from pelts to fur hats, collars and gloves.  Carvers have brought items carved from ivory and antler to sell. Just like last fall it is interesting to talk with vendors and ask about their work.  One vendor shows us Eskimo yoyos and how to use them. 

We make purchases from the same vendor.   BB purchases a pair of sheepskin lined leather with sea otter trimmed mittens.  I buy a pair of seal skin mittens with sea otter trim and beadwork.

Me, my new mittens and the artist who created them.


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