Tuesday, July 25, 2023

He’s a fractious cat

My mom didn’t know exactly what that meant.  Oh, she got the gist of it as the vet assistant brought me back to her sans newly updated rabies vaccine certificate in her hand, but she didn’t know exactly.

Synonyms:  unmanageable, testy, ornery.  

Apparently I have to get my yearly rabies shot before I can cross borders.  We’re heading back south in less than two months and my current vaccine expires in a couple days.  Two vet clinics that had been recommended were not taking new clients, so we were trying the SPCA.  

I gamely took my recommended Gabapentin.  There was a small struggle, one spit out incident and one bandaid required.  I was loaded into my carrier and off we went for our 1:00 appointment.  My Richmond doctor and I had an understanding.  It was just going to be unpleasant for everyone.  SPCA gave up too quickly.  A hiss, growl and a couple swipes, and the label “fractious cat.”

Mom was sad.  I wasn’t too happy either.  The adrenaline of my near escape had me fighting against the drug until we got home.  I had to watch my back for a while, not sure what mom was planning with the phone calls she was making, 

But eventually I lost the fight.  

We’re set to try again in a couple weeks at a different place.  If the Gabapentin doesn’t do the trick then, Mom says this vet has other ways to make me cooperative.  🙀

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