Sunday, September 24, 2023

Homeward Bound Day 2 - Tok to Whitehorse 09/24

Depart  Tok 9:20am. 

Arrive Whitehorse 7:00pm.

Miles traveled 394.9

Weather: AM temps in the 30s. PM temps on the 40s. Cloudy with occasional sunshine

Our plan to be on the road this morning by 8:30 was out the window by 8:00.  We meet the other couple staying at the lodge at breakfast.  They are from Texas on a 2 month road trip.  We have too much fun trading travel stories.

We are on the road by 9:20. We don't go many miles before we have the first in a series of incidents made to test our patience. 

Major roadwork is taking place on AK-2 between Tok and the Canadian border. We are stopped twice; about 20 minutes each time.  

When we reach the border US Fish and Game is performing a game check.  Do we have wild game, fish or any pieces/parts there of?  Well....we have a moose antler packed in the car top carrier. The Officer completes a form that he says will make entering Canada easier.  We worry about having to show the antler to Canadian Customs. We have trouble with the carrier's locks and don't want to open the carrier until time to unload in Bristol. We also remember we have Alaska grown carrots in the car.  We aren't sure whether we will be allowed to take them across the border. Will we have carrots and a moose antler after we enter Canada?

There is a line at Canadian Customs.  Our wait is about 40 minutes.  I spend some time watching a raven.  It is hanging around the cars. The car behind us is tossing it food.  Apparently this is a normal food gathering routine for the raven.  The phone rings while we are waiting. It is our Virginia family! Talking with them helps pass the time.

We easily pass Canadian Customs. No questions at all about wild game, fish or any pieces/parts there of.  No questions about fruits or vegetables. The officer does not want to see Grey's expensive vetenarian report that states he is a healthy kitty. She did take the bear spray/pepper spray I had. However, I didn't want it but didn't know how to properly dispose of it.  Problem solved.

We loose an hour when we enter Canada.  It is now 1:30.  We have traveled 100 miles. We kept our patience for the most part and the Officers we interacted with at both borders were helpful and courteous.

We recognize and reminisce about things from our trip up last summer...the Welcome Signs at the border, the World's Largest Gold Pan at Burwash Landing, the Village Monument (AKA Cupcake) in Haines Junction and places we stopped for gas, to eat and sleep.

Today's highlight is the scenery.  The mountains are capped with snow.  The birch trees are a glorious yellow gold and really pop when next to the dark green spruce. Definitely a time when a picture is worth a thousand words.

We arrive in Whitehorse at 7:00.  BB calls in a dinner order at Whiskey Jack's.  We have time to drop off luggage at our lodging before picking up our chicken Cesar wraps.

At the border.

My raven friend hoping for food.



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