Monday, September 25, 2023

Homeward Bound Day 3 - Whitehorse to Muncho Lake 9/25

Depart Whitehorse:  8:30

Arrive Muncho Lake: 5:00

Miles Driven: 

Weather:  30s and drizzly in the morning, overcast, cool and hazy in the afternoon

Woke up at 7:00 and it was dark outside.  We had coffee and started packing up.  Packing always takes longer than I anticipate.  We scoot Grey’s big carrier in first, then fit in our overnight bags, backpacks and cooler.  Like puzzle pieces, everything has to fit just so.

I started off driving today.  In my mind, I was definitely going to drive two hours then see how much further I felt like going.  But our first bathroom break was at 1 hour, 52 minutes, and that seemed a good time to switch.  I definitely do not pull my share of wheel time.

Grey was unsettled today.  He bit me going into his carrier and then he cried intermittently for three hours before he settled down.  He is resting on Sally’s bed now.  He apparently is mad at me.  Sorry buddy, seven more days to go.  Wish you could understand you have the most comfortable space in the car.

The scenery today was similar to yesterday, but maybe a little less fall color and more evergreens.  We are still repeating in reverse our trip up the Alaska Highway, and we stopped at some of the same gas stations.  We made one stop in Watson Lake for gas and coffee at a building across from the Sign Post Forest we had visited on our way up.  We got the gas but the coffee didn’t look very appealing.  We ate our lunch, a bag of Alaska potato chips and water, while driving.

We stopped at the Continental Divide.  That is always interesting to me.  We read in our Milepost book that the waters to the west flowed into the Bering Sea and Pacific and to the east entered the Arctic Ocean.  Sally got out to read the interpretive signs.  She said they gave the same information as the Milepost, so I stayed put.  Whoever sits in the passenger side has a file box, food bag and cat food at her feet and a backpack in her lap.  Sometimes it’s easier to stay in the car than to shuffle everything to get out then rearrange it all again once seated.

Thinks got more interesting when we crossed over into British Columbia.  Immediately signs were posted to watch out for bison on the road and to be aware of smoke from fires.  We saw both.  We passed two groups of bison lounging by the road, maybe close to 80 in total. We watched a couple big trucks roar by and the bison weren’t bothered at all by the noise.  

Then we started noticing the haze and then the smoke smell.  The smoke was never too heavy, but it was definitely noticeable. 

Our home for the night is Northern Rockies Lodge on Muncho Lake. It’s nice.  We had a good dinner in the room, cheeseburger and salad for Sally, pork schnitzel sandwich and salad for me.  I expect we’ll catch up on all the latest on the internet then turn in early.  It’s a bit shorter day tomorrow to Fort St. John. And Sally says it’s supposed to be sunny.  I may wear clean clothes!  A clean shirt, anyway.

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